Objective: Effectively control common diseases of new calves.
For the first 10 days of lactation, measure the body temperature of the cow and, for ease of accounting, mark the temperature on the animal itself with wax markers with red and green stripes on the rump. The green bar is ˂39.2С and the red one is ≥39.2С˚. On the first day, the green stripe is placed in the case when the cow does not have a delay in the placenta. When the placenta is detained, put the red stripe daily before its separation.
Prevention on the first day: drink or pour Vitamas Energy (1 kg per 20-25 liters of water), Energitrank 500 g / 20 liters of water, a mixture for new-borns. In / muscular – prostaglandin (Enzaprost 5 ml, Dinoplus 2 ml, Dinolytic 5 ml, Estrofan 2 ml, Broestrofan 2 ml), Evitsel drug 10 ml. (Vitamin E-selenium – 10 ml), in cases of complicated labor intrauterinely – Histerlik, or Metricyclin 2-3 tablets, calcium preparations subcutaneously or intramuscularly – Calzenon, Kalfoset, Caltrim, Gluconate, Borgluconate, uterotonic drugs – Uteroton, Docitol (10 ml three times every other day).
Treatment from the second day: during the day we inject intramuscularly – Hysterodev 100ml through a 450 mm long Catheter and do a light rectal massage of the uterus while intramuscularly Folliculin or Sinestrol 3-5 ml. At elevated body temperature (first red stripe) – Amoxicillin (Vetrimoxin, Klamoxil, Biocilin) intramuscularly, in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs Ainil, Ketozol, Ketonil, Kefen, Metakam. The next two days, if the temperature is still elevated and / or the delay of the placenta continues, the same antibiotic, but already 25 ml. Alternatively, for 4-5 days, use non-care drugs Ceftioklin, Ceftionel, Cefinel, Klinexin, Kotsefen, Eksenel in doses according to the instructions
Cows from the new calving group are discharged from the 10th day, provided that the afterbirth has separated, three days before that there was no temperature and subclinical ketosis. When discharging intrauterinely – Oxytetracycline (Oxyprol, Tetravet, Oxy-100, Mastiet-Forte) 10-15 ml through a 450 mm long catheter.
Cooperation by phone: +38067 292 06 31 (Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp)