Ukrainian Holstein Association (UGA)

“The Ukrainian Holstein Association was officially registered in 2012. The decision to create it has been brewing for a long time. Since Ukrainian producers realized that without their personal active participation in organizing the breeding process, one should not hope for good indicators of livestock productivity.

The main goal of the association is to ensure that milk producers have access to bull semen banks, which are the best for each herd.

Keeping information about the individual productivity of cows and access to it enables the owners to properly organize the replacement of the main livestock, which is extremely important in modern economic conditions.

Mission: to develop the dairy industry and ensure maximum genetic progress.


  • Selection of the optimal genetic material to ensure maximum progress at the dairy farm.
  • the provision of a world-class breeding certificate creates additional value for the animals.
  • creation and maximum development of the market for breeding animals in Ukraine, entry of Ukrainian animals into the international market and popularization of Ukrainian animals in the world.
  • Creation of a pool for raising breeding animals in Ukraine.
  • Creation of a legislative framework that will maximize the potential of the founders of the association in the development of genetics in dairy farming in Ukraine.

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