The company "DK VET"

The company “DK VET” is the official supplier of veterinary instruments, drugs for veterinary medicine and hygiene products, used by specialists of APM and APBU (Association of Pig Breeders of Ukraine).

The main goal of the organization is to build honest and transparent relationships in the Ukrainian market of veterinary services. The work of the company is guided by a clear task – all farms in Ukraine must be provided with high-quality veterinary drugs.

 “DK VET” provides the supply of drugs with a different spectrum of action, namely:

  • vaccines for animals;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs;
  • antiparasitic, intramammarine, immunobiological agents;
  • preparations for cattle hygiene;
  • additives of therapeutic and therapeutic direction.

Advantages of "DK VET":

  • careful control over the storage conditions of veterinary drugs;
  • biologicals and vaccines are stored in specially equipped rooms in compliance with a certain temperature regime;
  • veterinary drugs are transported by road, which provides all the necessary conditions for maintaining the quality of the cargo;
  • consultations from highly qualified specialists give the desired result on the farm.

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