Tie-stall housing system. The animals are kept tied in stalls, using a bedding. Livestock are fed and watered in stalls or in the milking parlor.
Loose housing system. The cattle is kept loose in the premises, which provide yards for walking and receiving feed.
Also, in animal husbandry, the following cattle housing systems are used:
Stable-pasture system. The cattle are kept indoors, in winter they are given walks and active exercise, and in summer they are grazed.
Flow-shop system. On large farms, separate groups are formed, taking into account the physiological state of animals: dry cows, fresh cows, inseminated cows and cows in milk, production cows.
The most effective is loose housing of livestock. Free walking of cows brings a number of benefits, such as:
– increased productivity due to greater feed intake and adequate rest;
– reduction of lameness;
– reducing the amount of stress due to better living conditions;
– an increase in the ratio of fat and protein in milk due to increased consumption of roughage;
– Better rumen health due to more frequent feeding;
– the animal gets more comfort
– reduction of labor costs with a greater milk yield;
– Frequent milking and less stress results in virtually no mastitis.
– farmers do not spend money on the purchase of gates and fences, an increase in profits for the delivery of higher quality milk for processing